Online game to end hunger I’d nearly forgotten about this great website until last week when I was looking for ways to help my ten year-old grandson boost his vocabulary skills. I went to and remembered what a great tool it is to build vocabulary skills and have fun at the same time. But in addition to learning the meaning of new words, users also get the chance to feed the hungry. Every correct response earns ten grains of rice which is given to the hungry around the world. is a non-profit website owned and operated by the United Nations World Food Program. Sponsors pay for the free rice grains earned on the site to be delivered to the hungry. The games are motivating, fun and build empathy in those playing and learning.

As I searched the site today I discovered there are lots of other educational opportunities on the site. You can earn grains of rice while learning a new language, while improving math skills, while identifying famous paintings, works of literature or even famous quotations. You can learn human anatomy, study world capitals or world landmarks.

Freerice has two main goals: 1) to provide education at no cost and 2) to help end world hunger.

So by all means go to and let the learning begin. The site comes with a warning: This game may make you smarter.