Fall is here and a new school year is beginning. The kids have new clothes and unscuffed shoes. Their backpacks or desks are bursting with pencils, crayons and other essentials. It’s time for a fresh start.

When I was a classroom teacher I loved those first days and weeks of school. My room was clean and every wall reflected my love of both the children and their learning. The books and supplies were unblemished and all the pencils had sharp points. A new year of growth stretched ahead. What a great time of renewal and hope.

But, inevitably, there came a time when the classroom became “used.” Supplies and displays were bent, torn and worn down. The workload was heavy and the bright shining faces from day one had dimmed a bit. We were in the trenches and we were taking a few hits. Some days required both courage and perseverance to slog through.

That’s how life is. We love the times of new beginnings but we understand that in days ahead there will be battles, struggles and a few defeats. But we don’t quit. The stakes are too high. After all, it’s our kids education we’re talking about.

Whether your children are in a traditional learning setting or learning at home, there will be times when you just want to give up. Too many forms to sign, too many after school activities, too much homework, too many lessons to plan. Whatever your challenge, know that in the struggle to do a good job of teaching, parenting, meeting the next health crisis–whatever comes your way–there is always a fresh start.

There are “new every morning mercies” for each of us. So take a deep breath, erase, hit the reset button and dive in again. Because sometimes we just need a fresh start.