Devotional Writing

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord. Psalm 19:14.
And, thanks be to God who filled me up with words from the start!

I have written for:

  • Fruit of the Vine
  • Devotions
  • The Quiet Hour
  • The Secret Place
  • The Gem
  • Evangel
  • LIVE
  • Bible Advocate
  • A Devotional on Psalm 86:1-7: Can You Hear Me?

Know that the Lord has set apart the faithful for Himself; the Lord hears when I call to Him. Psalm 4:3 (NKJV)

Last Sunday I caught my husband in a communication foul. He was saying, “Yes” and “Um-hmm” at the appropriate points in the conversation, but his facial expressions informed me his mind was miles away. I might have been angry, but luckily for him, I’d caught myself that very morning in a similar state of listening disgrace–making a mental grocery list during our pastor’s sermon.

We humans do fail to hear one another. We tend to forgive our own listening lapses, but take offense at another’s. Yet, the cry of our hearts is often, “Please hear me.” and “Show me you love me by listening to me.”

God hears. He hears because He loves perfectly. When friends and family fail to listen and care, we can always go to God in prayer, knowing with all certainty that His ear is perfectly tuned to our words.

Prayer: Lord, thank you that your ear is always inclined to me. Increase my desire to listen in love.

Contact me if you need devotions or devotional articles for your publications.